At DoorDash, we strive to connect customers with all the best of their neighborhood — from tacos from your favorite local restaurant to snacks as you prepare for a big game. Our goal is to empower local communities and the people that inhabit them by offering a diverse selection of products that meet your needs.
Earlier this year, we continued this mission by connecting customers with even more of their neighborhood through partnerships like teaming up with Sam’s Club Pharmacy to exclusively power its same-day prescription delivery program nationwide via DoorDash Drive.
Today we’re excited to announce the continued expansion of our efforts in the health and wellness space through two groundbreaking partnerships with LOLA and Hims & Hers, which enables customers to get period, sexual wellness, personal care items, and more delivered on-demand.
“We are thrilled to partner with LOLA and Hims & Hers, two leading brands paving the way for creating a better experience when purchasing health and wellness products,” said Anna Katherine Barnett-Hart, Director of New Verticals at DoorDash. “Our partnership signifies more than a product expansion–it provides a small step in the right direction to helping customers conveniently access health and wellness products on-demand by making them as accessible to order on our platform as ordering your favorite restaurant or convenience items.”
With LOLA, gone are the days of getting your period unexpectedly and frantically asking around for a tampon, or hauling yourself off the couch to find a solve to soothe those pesky cramps — through our partnership, customers can choose from the full portfolio of LOLA products on DoorDash, ranging from tampons, liners, wipes, condoms, lubricant, cramp care daily multivitamins, cramp care essential oil blend, menstrual cup, and heating patches.
“Since LOLA’s launch, a core pillar of our mission has been to deliver a better experience and product for every reproductive stage. We’re excited to partner with DoorDash to make it even easier to meet our customers whenever and wherever they need us.”
Through Hims & Hers partnership with DoorDash, customers can choose from an array of health and wellness items, including vitamins, supplements, shampoo and conditioner, vibrators, facial moisturizer, vitamin C serum, condoms, lubricant, and many more of their popular wellness items.
“Improving and expanding access to high quality health and wellness products has been a key component of our company’s purpose since our brand’s inception, and we’re thrilled to further this mission through our partnership with DoorDash,” said Hims & Hers’ Chief Operating Officer Melissa Baird. “For the first time, we’re able to truly meet our customers where they are by providing on-demand access to many items that people may need urgently, but want the ease and convenience of ordering and receiving at home. We’re elated to be working with the team at DoorDash and look forward to helping more people gain access to some of our bestselling health and wellness products.”
As we continue the expansion of our offerings and prioritize making health and wellness products more accessible for all, we’re excited to see these partnerships help our customers feel more empowered when purchasing period, sexual wellness products, and more.
See below for the cities where LOLA and Hims & Hers products are available through DoorDash and via DashMart:
- Chicago, IL
- Columbus, OH
- Dallas, TX
- San Diego, CA
- San Antonio, TX
- Sacramento, CA
- San Francisco, CA
- Chicago, IL
- Dallas, TX
- Denver, CO
- San Francisco, CA
- Tampa, FL
Expanding Our Health and Wellness Offerings Through Partnerships with LOLA and Hims & Hers was originally published in DoorDash on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.